Industry News

Consumer Electronics Brand Strategy

作者:feeddi 日期:2022-08-30 人气:87

How did we establish a successful consumer electronics brand in the domestic market for 17 years? (From users and products perspective)

Precise brand positioning
  1. Agent-based positioning, to be the supporters behind the customer. With the rise of e-commerce online shopping, we protects the profits of agents by not setting up its own online stores and strictly controlling the phenomenon of random prices online.
  1. To avoid harmful competition, we cooperate with agent closely to develop some exclusive products suitable for its own region.
Product positioning
Product concept: a successful product is not by the dazzling pile of parameters, or the best cost-effective features to win. Always remember product cover the use value + spiritual value.
Product goal: Develop 3-5 new products in each category to keep up with consumer electronics trends.
Product creativity: From product development to naming, manual, package, visual, copywriting, poster, marketing, etc. to form a complete brand VI system.