Industry News

How to choose outdoor power supply? Choose durable battery from 4 dimensions!

作者:feeddi 日期:2023-02-13 人气:53

Hello, everyone. This is FEEDI,

Happy New Year. It hasn't been updated in the recent period. It's the time to go out with my girlfriend on a self-drive tour during the New Year holiday. After a busy year, a comfortable self-drive tour can definitely bring a perfect end to this year.

Now most people have a lot of electronic devices. When I go out, cameras, mobile phones, tablets and so on need power support. It's really a headache when the device is out of power when playing, and the interest has been reduced by more than half.

In order to solve this problem, I bought a special outdoor power supply before the Spring Festival this year. After practical experience, it can really meet the charging needs of most of our electronic devices during our short-distance self-driving trip. Because of the variety of outdoor power supplies and the uneven quality, I looked up a lot of information when I bought it. Today I will share with you what should be paid attention to when selecting outdoor power supplies, There is a self-driving travel plan. Recently, friends who want to buy outdoor power can take notes to prevent stepping on the pit.

1、 Battery type

As a mobile power supply device, the battery must be paid attention to when purchasing.

There are about three types of battery for outdoor power supply on the market: lithium ternary battery, lithium iron phosphate battery and polymer lithium battery.

The advantages of ternary lithium battery are high battery density and large energy output, but the cycle charging times are a little lower than that of lithium iron phosphate battery;

Lithium-polymer batteries are commonly used in mobile phones. They are relatively light and thin. They are rarely used in outdoor power supply field, so they will not be explained too much;

Compared with ternary lithium battery, lithium iron phosphate battery has better safety, charging and discharging performance and cycle times, but its density is relatively low and its volume is relatively large.

It is suggested that lithium iron phosphate battery should be preferentially selected if the budget is sufficient when purchasing, which is safer and more reliable to use.

2、 Battery energy

When most people buy this type of product, they only look at the battery capacity, but the intelligent battery capacity represents the amount of electricity that can be stored by the outdoor power supply. The data that determines the discharge capacity and core parameters is the battery energy. This point needs special attention.

The unit of battery energy is Wh (watt hour), which refers to how much charge the battery holds or releases. The larger the battery energy is, the longer the power supply time will be, and correspondingly, the larger the weight and volume will be.

Generally, 500Wh is enough for digital products and equipment. If you need to cook or use high-power appliances such as rice cookers, it is recommended that you choose at least 700Wh or more, and purchase it according to your own budget.

3、 Power

The outdoor power supply can only charge the equipment with less than its rated power, so the outdoor power supply with different power should be selected according to the power of its own electronic equipment.

Generally speaking, 500W low-power products can be perfectly satisfied only by charging common digital devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, cameras, etc.

If it is a long-term travel or self-driving travel, and there is a need for cooking, lighting, audio entertainment, etc., it is recommended to choose 1000w

The above products will not affect the use, and the high-power ones can not only be used for self-driving trips, but also be used as emergency power supply in case of daily power failure, which is also very practical.

4、 Port type

Finally, when selecting the outdoor power supply, you need to select the port types that match your own needs. According to the conventional scenario, the more types and quantities of outdoor power supply ports, the more scenarios you can apply, and the better the experience.

The selection should be based on your own needs and budget. At the same price, you can choose products with more variety and quantity of ports.


In general, an easy-to-use outdoor power supply can largely solve our worries about electricity consumption, let us better enjoy travel, and improve the happiness index in the process of travel. If you are a friend who likes self-driving travel and usually likes to go out to play, it is strongly recommended to start an easy-to-use outdoor power supply. Short distance travel is very practical!
